In the New Year, House Prices Will Rise: It's Time to Invest

Guide in Türkiye


When considered in dollars, house prices in Türkiye are currently the same as they were 18 months ago. With inflation rates stabilizing, it's expected that house prices will rise again in the new year. The Ministry of Treasury and Finance has implemented a series of reforms to remove Türkiye from the gray list, and Minister Şimşek has stated his determination to achieve this. In this context, house prices are expected to increase again. Therefore, don't delay in making investments.

The determined steps taken by Türkiye's economic management are also gaining recognition internationally. Türkiye will be removed from financial observers' gray lists. Sources report significant progress during the visit of International Financial Action Task Force (FATF) officials to Türkiye earlier this month in Paris. Sources indicated that Türkiye was removed from the gray list during the FATF plenary session in Singapore on June 28.

Turkey Removed from the Gray List

As a result of this change, experts predict an acceleration in the flow of foreign capital into Türkiye. Thanks to recent economic programs implemented by Türkiye, foreign investors are beginning to return. Emre Peker, Eurasia Group's Director for Europe in London, said, "While the FATF's move alone may not trigger cash flow, it will support Minister of Treasury and Finance Mehmet Şimşek's efforts to reintroduce orthodox economic policies and make Türkiye a strong investment destination." Minister Şimşek stated last week that he is determined to remove Türkiye from the list.

During the FATF's last plenary session in February, it announced that Türkiye had largely completed its action plan to be removed from the gray list. At that time, it was stated that this action plan included key reforms to implement sanctions against money laundering and terrorist financing, and increasing resources for the national financial intelligence unit known as MASAK. This month, a bill regulating cryptocurrency platforms came to the agenda of the Turkish Grand National Assembly to assist in addressing the FATF's final recommendations on new technologies.

Don't Delay in Making Investments!

Recent economic programs implemented by Türkiye and its efforts to comply with international regulations have made the country attractive again for investors. In this context, real estate investment presents a significant opportunity for both domestic and foreign investors. Türkiye's strategic location, young population, and rapid urbanization continue to create steady demand in the housing sector. Especially in major cities and developing areas, there is a trend of rising housing prices, offering potential for capital gains to investors. Additionally, the opportunity to earn regular passive income through rental yields makes real estate investment attractive.

Recently, efforts by Minister of Treasury and Finance Mehmet Şimşek to reintroduce orthodox economic policies and make Türkiye a solid investment destination have increased confidence in the real estate sector. The positive evaluation by the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) of Türkiye's efforts in combating money laundering and terrorist financing is also attracting foreign investors. It is expected that these reforms and regulations will make real estate investment safer and more profitable.

Moreover, investing in real estate in Türkiye can be seen not only as a means to economic gain but also as an investment that enhances quality of life. Türkiye's natural beauty, cultural richness, and tourist attractions, especially in coastal areas and major cities, further enhance the attractiveness of real estate investment.

Investing in real estate in Türkiye means taking a solid step towards the future. Both increased economic stability and the confidence created by reforms make this investment even more valuable. Don't delay in investing; take advantage of the opportunities Turkey offers with FOA Invest and get ahead.



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